Trees along Boardwalk on Campus

If This An Emergency Or Someone Is In Danger, Please Call 911.

Florida Tech is committed to providing an environment that is respectful and supportive. If you have a concern that you believe impedes these efforts for you personally, or for a friend or colleague, and want more information, please click on the appropriate title below. To report your concern, click on the report button in the box, complete the form, and submit.

For Confidentiality

If you prefer, you may address concerns or questions confidentially.


Student Counseling Center at 321-674-8050,
Student Health Center at 321-674-8078,
Campus Chaplain – Catholic at 321-674-8045


Employees may contact the 
Employee Assistance Program


Available for faculty, staff and students is the Ombudsman at 321-309-3038 and at

For Criminal Conduct

If you believe you or someone you know has been a victim of a crime (not an emergency), please contact Security at 321-674-8112.

These forms do not constitute filing a criminal complaint with the local law enforcement.

Academic Alert

On-campus faculty may submit an Academic Alert for students or advisees. The academic alert goes to the Director of the Academic Support Center, who contacts the student and opens dialogue to address concerns raised by the faculty member. This may include a request for a meeting, a recommendation to speak with the student's advisor, or an appointment at the Academic Support Center for tutoring in a particular subject. Faculty are encouraged to be specific in their descriptions so as to best assist the student.

Academic Alert

Anonymous Tip

Have knowledge of a crime?

 Send an Anonymous Tip

CSA Reporting Form

If you become aware of any crimes that have not been reported to the Department of Security, please complete a Campus Security Authority report. Completing the web based form will take only a few minutes and your assistance will support the university in maintaining compliance with this federal law. If you have any questions regarding reporting obligations, please contact the Department of Security at 321-674-8112.

CSA Reporting Form

Student Of Concern

Florida Tech Care Team is a collaborative group designed to assist the campus community with intervening in at-risk situations. Behavioral intervention teams exist on college campuses to provide a 360-degree view of situations in order to better respond to concerning behavior.

Student of Concern

Student Complaint Resolution Process

Occasions may arise in which a student feels that he or she has a legitimate basis for complaint. It is the policy of the university to promptly resolve these complaints.

 Student Complaint Resolution Process

Title IX

Individuals who want to file a report and individuals accused of sexual misconduct have options for reporting, resources, and care and support services. You can choose one or multiple options at any time.

Title IX Complaint

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